Questo evento vuole portare a conoscenza mondiale Phuket e le sue spiagge, Karon è ideale per ballare tutta la notte sotto le stelle...
L'ingresso LIBERO si balla GRATIS!
Vi riporto il programma dal sito in lingua Inglese:
“Roy” means enjoyable, fun and delicious in Southern Thai dialect. When combined with an international music festival, expect no less than days and nights of musical ecstasy and dancing paradise.
RoyFest brings the best of domestic & international DJs and artists together to perform on the stunning sight of Phuket sea view for the first time. With the objective of endorsing local tourism, to wide spread the beauty of Thai beach and a vision to locate Thailand as one of the top destinations on the world party map.
Expect uncompromising entertainment from Ken Ishii (Japan), Adsorb (UK), Lord Warddd(USA), T-Bone (Reggae Ska Thailand), DJ Seed (GTRonline),
DJ Dragon (homebass commu) and many others who will contribute to “Roy”ness on Karon Beach, Phuket 25-26 September 2009.
Per dormire niente di meglio delle nostre strutture a KATA: http://www.amicidiphuket.it/pagine/baankata.html & KARON: http://www.guesthouse-kata-karon.com
Per ogni info sui servizi nostra agenzia mandate una mail: amicidiphuket@email.it